Sunday 26 December 2010

Overcoming obstacles, Final shots and Re doing our first shoot.

We have had to overcome a lot of obstacles and had a lot of difficulty getting some of our shots done. We shot the band shots in a very strong location, the mise-en-scene was perfect, it was an abandoned area that was sheltered by rusted metal. The landscape was overgrown with thorns and grass but the open space let the light come through so the cinematography wasn't ruined. The problem was were this ideal location was. The location was in the middle of a field surrounded by thorns, we had to transport a lot of instruments and amps to the location then move them from the cars to the location by foot. The day we did this was very well spent but it was very time consuming.

After editing what footage we have we are so far happy with the results. We do however have a lot of space to fill with our remaining shots which we haved tried to film on numourous occasions. One of our final shots is where I play guitar and sing the song directly infront of the camera so we have this shot, the band shot and our narrative shots giving a wide variety of footage. The difficulty of filming this is all three of us being available to film at the same time that the photography studio is free because this is the location we have to film it in. The other final shot will bring our narrative to a conclusion. We have our protagonist arguing with his mother and then buy alchohol.

When editing our teacher noted that the shots from our first shoot could be improved, specifically he wanted to see our protagonist get hit by the car which then causes him to fight the driver. We did not show him being hit by the car and were told that we may be marked down for this. If we re-film this shot it could mean re-filming the rest of those shots because the weather may be different.

It seems we're not the only ones...

Metalcore band Asking Alexandria have just released their ep 'Life Gone Wild' the title of the ep comes from Skid Row track '18 and Life' and 'Youth Gone Wild'. The Ep contains covers of both these songs and the artwork is very similar to the orginal Skid Row Album. Although this would be a competative product the artwork shows that people still like the style of 80's album artwork so we know that the album cover research will be useful.

Album Cover Research

Here are the album covers from bands of the era and genre as Skid Row such as Guns n' Roses, Motley Crue, Kiss and Aerosmith.

As this is a product and the aim is to sell this product we have to get the target audience right and sell them something the want, so fans that bought these popular albums should like Skid Row as they are of the same genre so the album artwork should has to be appealing like these.

Skid Row Album Covers

For the package that we are creating, we need to design a CD cover for our song. Our group researched into Current Skid Row album covers to see how they represent themsevles as a band and the style of album cover is very inportant, the artwork, the band logo all connotes a certain genre.

Monday 20 December 2010

Band Location Shots

Here is a video that Ollie made of our band location. He has filmed this very well as it shows its full potential and use for our music video. The Mise En Scene is bleak, a deserted area where that is clearly not used very much, its rusting infact. This connotes how Ricky out protagonist is represented. The light that gets in from the open space is very strong, it will work well in the cinematography as well can get some good shots with the natural lightning.